Part 2: Tool #10: Leading Through Change
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek.
– Barack Obama.
Heath Bros Website
The Heath brothers have written a number of books, including one of my personal favourites, Switch. This website has a number of free resources on change.
Change Leader, Change Thyself
Fabulous article from McKinsey on change and how leaders are so critical to the change effort.
Key ingredients for a successful change
Tammy Tansley’s article on the key ingredients for a successful change.
Want to create a really successful change project?
Tammy Tansley’s article on what makes for a very successful change project.
Introducing Changes to the Workplace
Tammy Tansley’s article for HC Mag on how to introduce changes in the workplace.
How Coaching Can Help People Move from Change Resistant
Ro Gorell’s great article on how to move people from change resistant to change resilient
What Every Change Agent Needs to Know
Another article from Ro Gorell’s on change management.
About the book
Do What You Say You’ll Do is the essential book for new leaders or those wishing to reinvent their leadership style. It’s practical and easy to read, and full of wisdom from leadership experts and coaches.
About Tammy Tansley
Tammy works with organisations and individuals to enable great people performance. She has worked around the world with large businesses, not for profits, government and private sector organisations. She is currently the Principal of Tammy Tansley Consulting and co owner of Help Me HR. She is a mum to two young mischiefs. She runs, she blogs, and she likes to eat good food.